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Förderverein CINARCHEA e.V.

Der Verein CINARCHEA e.V. ist aufgelöst. Seine Gläubiger werden aufgefordert, ihre Ansprüche bei dem Liquidator anzumelden:

Dr. Benjamin Irkens

Düsseldorfer Straße 144

40545 Düsseldorf.


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As at previous festivals, the jury will consist of prominent representatives of the respective genres and will judge the documentaries in six award categories and the digital media (apps, podcasts, serious games, digital animations and exhibits, etc.) in five award categories.


Jury members of the documentary film section 2022

Georgios Chatzoudis @ St. Brendgen

Georgios Chatzoudis studied history, politics, English and international law at the University of Cologne. Afterwards, he did research on landscapes and societies in arid Africa as a DFG fellow in the SFB ACACIA. As a journalist - author and news anchor - he worked for eight years (2004-2011) in the news department of Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne. Since 2009, he has headed the public relations and communications department of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the editorial team of the Wissenschaftsportals L.I.S.A..

Gisela Graichen

Gisela Graichen studied journalism, law and political science and holds a degree in economics. For the ZDF, the book and film author has developed the archaeology series "Schliemanns Erben" and "C14 - Archaeological Discoveries in Germany" and the science series "Humboldts Erben", among others, and implemented them in the series "Terra X". More than 20 years ago, the series created a permanent prime time slot for German archaeological research in Germany and abroad at 7.30 pm on Sunday evenings, reaching an audience of millions of viewers who were thus made aware of the concerns - successes but also concerns - of archaeology. In addition to on-site excavations, the focus was on cooperation with other disciplines - especially natural sciences - and on repeatedly raising the issue of the threat posed by predatory excavations. Close cooperation with the state archaeologists, the DAI and the DFG resulted in around 100 films for the "C 14" series and around 50 films of 45 minutes each on Sunday evenings. She is currently working on the third season of her new series "Unsolved Cases in Archaeology". Gisela Graichen has been awarded, among others, the Silver Hemisphere German Prize for Monument Protection, the Bavarian Television Prize and the Federal Cross of Merit. Most recently the "Golden Shovel" of the Archaeological State Museum of Schleswig-Holstein and the admission to the "European Academy of Sciences and Arts" in Salzburg.

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Lengyel

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Lengyel studied architecture at the universities of Stuttgart, Paris-Tolbiac and ETH Zurich. After working, among others, in the office of Prof. O. M. Ungers office in Cologne, he founded the Lengyel Toulouse office for architecture and visualization together with Catherine Toulouse. After a professorship for media at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, among others, he has held the chair for architecture and visualization at the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus since 2006. His work focuses on the visualization of complex architectural contexts, in particular the visualization of spatial architectural hypotheses in the humanities archaeology, architectural history, art history and historical building research, among others in international research networks, currently funded by the German Research Foundation, the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. Since 2018 he has been a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg.

Dr. Thomas Reitmaier

Dr. Thomas Reitmaier studied Pre- and Early History, Medieval and Modern Archaeology as well as Classical Archaeology at the University of Innsbruck. He received his doctorate in 2006 with a thesis on "Pre-industrial load-sailing ships on Swiss lakes". He has been working as an archaeologist in Switzerland since 2001: first as a scientific diver at the Department of Underwater Archaeology of the City of Zurich, from 2006 to 2012 as a research associate at the Department of Pre- and Early History at the University of Zurich and since 2012 as a cantonal archaeologist of Graubünden. In 2018, Thomas Reitmaier took over as President of the "Archaeology Switzerland" Association. He conducts his own field research on forms of mobile livestock farming in the Alps and in Morocco.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wemhoff

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wemhoff is the director of the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Berlin and also the Landesarchäologe of Berlin. He studied prehistory and early history with a focus on medieval archaeology, medieval history and church history in Bamberg and Freiburg. In 1992 he received his doctorate with a thesis on "Das Damenstift Herford. Die archäologischen Ergebnisse zur Geschichte der Profan- und Sakralbauten seit dem späten 8. Jahrhundert" at the University of Freiburg. From 1992 to 2006 Matthias Wemhoff was director of the Museum in der Kaiserpfalz in Paderborn and from 2003 to 2008 founding director of the LWL-Landesmuseums für Klosterkultur in Dalheim. Since 2008 he has been director of the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin-Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz and Landesarchäologe of Berlin.


Prof. Wemhoff curated major cultural history exhibitions such as "Kunst und Kultur der Karolingerzeit" (1999), "Canossa-Erschütterung der Welt" (2006), "Russen & Deutsche, 1000 Jahre Kunst, Geschichte und Kultur"(2012), "Die Wikinger" (2014), "Bewegte Zeiten. Archäologie in Deutschland" (2018) and "Germanen. Eine archäologische Bestandsaufnahme" (2020).


In 2000 he was appointed honorary professor at the University of Paderborn, and in 2010 honorary professor at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 2018, he helped shape the European Heritage Year in Germany as chairman of the National Program Advisory Board. Since 2011, he has been executive director of the German Society for Archaeology. As a presenter, he communicates archaeological and historical topics to a broad audience in many television documentaries.



Jury members of the Digital Media section 2022

Dr. Philipp Bojahr studied media science and media culture at the University of Siegen and was awarded his doctorate in 2019 with a thesis on the montage theory of computer games at the University of Cologne. He currently works as a curator at the Siegerland Museum in the Upper Castle, where he oversees the focus on multimedia mediation. In addition, he researches and teaches in the field as a research assistant at the Cologne Game Lab of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences as part of the tandem position "New Media in Museums". Starting from Game Studies, he is interested in the theoretical as well as concrete practical application of analog and digital playful forms in the museum context. He is a member of the AG Games in the GfM and a founding member of the research initiative GamesCoop.

Dr. Philipp Bojahr

Prof. Dr. Angela Schwarz studied English language and literature, history and political science at the universities of Duisburg and Reading (Great Britain). She received her doctorate with a thesis on British travellers in Nazi Germany (1991) and habilitated seven years later with a study on the popularisation of scientific knowledge in late Victorian Britain and the German Empire. Her interest in manifestations of history in everyday culture, in historical-cultural phenomena, has placed magazines and films as well as websites and - since the turn of the millennium - video games at the centre of her work. With the research topics of the popularisation of science and history in new media, she is more active in a broader public, for example this year as a member of the jury for the German Computer Games Award. Since 2006, she has held the chair of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Siegen.

Prof. Dr. Angela Schwarz

Prof. Dr. Holger Simon studied art history, philosophy and education at the University of Cologne. After completing his doctorate, he initially worked as a museum assistant at the Schnütgen Museum in Cologne, but returned to the Art History Institute of the University of Cologne after a year and habilitated there in 2007. Holger Simon founded various internet projects such as <> (since 2001), <> (since 2009). In 2009 he became self-employed and has been a managing partner of Pausanio GmbH & Co. KG. The agency for cultural communication develops digital strategies and applications for cultural institutions and accompanies them during the digital change processes in the organization. Since 2013, he is director of the Pausanio Academy, with which he establishes a think tank for digital strategies and cultural entrepreneurship. Parallel to his self-employment, he regularly conducts start-up seminars. In 2014, he was honored by the Gesellschaft für Informatik and the BMBF as one of 39 "digital minds in Germany". In his column Digital Gardening ( <>) he regularly writes on the topics #Art and Culture, #Digitization and #Society.

Prof. Dr. Holger Simon

Prof. Dr. Iris Wenderholm has held a professorship for European art of the 15th-18th centuries at the Department of Art History at the University of Hamburg since March 2014. After studying French philology, economics and art history at the universities of Hamburg, Neufchâtel/Switzerland and Berlin, she was awarded her doctorate in 2004 at the Freie Universität Berlin with the thesis "Bild und Berührung. Skulptur und Malerei auf dem Altar der italienischen Frührenaissance". After working as an assistant to the Executive Board of the Kulturstiftung der Länder, she completed a traineeship at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Her publications are dedicated to the art of the early modern period with a focus on material-aesthetic issues and gender. In teaching, she is involved in exhibition projects (including „Mutter Erde. Vorstellungen von Natur und Weiblichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit“, Kunstsammlung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; „Hamburger Schule. Das 19. Jahrhundert neu entdeckt“, Hamburger Kunsthalle). Since 2013 she has been the second chairperson of the Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker e.V., where, together with Dr Martin Bredenbeck, she oversees the Rote Liste. Ein Denkmalgewissen für Deutschland. She is also a member of the Transfer Council of the University of Hamburg and Deputy Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Aby Warburg Foundation.

Prof. Dr. Iris Wenderholm @ K. Haase