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Förderverein CINARCHEA e.V.

Der Verein CINARCHEA e.V. ist aufgelöst. Seine Gläubiger werden aufgefordert, ihre Ansprüche bei dem Liquidator anzumelden:

Dr. Benjamin Irkens

Düsseldorfer Straße 144

40545 Düsseldorf.


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On 19.-21.05.2022, ARTEFACTA will take place for the first time in the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia in cooperation with the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Here we will present to the audience a wide range of digital media such as apps, podcasts, games and 3D animations from the fields of archaeology, history and art history, in addition to documentary films. There will be a children's programme with a separate audience award for the younger visitors. In addition, three lectures and a workshop discussion are planned, which will deal with the use of digital media with a focus on cultural history.

Artefacta team and Jury film @nunsichtbar
Artefacta @nunsichtbar
Artefacta @nunsichtbar
Artefacta @nunsichtbar

The prizes will be honoured with a trophy and a certificate made especially for the festival. In the documentary film category three jury prizes, two audience prizes and the Kurt Denzer Special Prize for young filmmakers will be awarded. In the Digital Media category the jury will award prizes to a total of five entries.